What’s a Health Coach?

Good Sunday Morning. I hope you’re having a beautiful day. I certainly am. Great music on the radio, great coffee in my hand, and some early morning reflection time before the house wakes up.

As many of you who follow me on Twitter (@CrazyFitMama) or like me on Facebook (CrazyFitMama) know, I recently earned my American Council on Exercise Health Coach certification. I’m super stoked to be able to better serve my clients now, and get back to sharing regularly with all of you here on the web.

The term Health Coach may be new to you. What exactly is a Health Coach? How does it differ from a Personal Trainer? What can a Health Coach do for you to help you meet your goals?
First, some things to ponder:

69.2% of adult Americans are overweight or obese

Over 75% of America’s health expenditures are attributed to treating chronic diseases

High sugar diets have been shown in studies to be more addictive than intravenous heroine or cocaine

Less than 20% of  people who have achieved more than a 10% loss in weight keep it off for more than 5 years

health coach title

It’s said that “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.  If you feel like you’re struggling daily to control your eating and exercise habits, you’re not alone.  Many of us know that we should exercise and eat more vegetables, the trick is how to actually alter our behaviors to meet our intentions.

Health Coaches can help you connect the bridge from where you are to where you want to be as far as lifestyle changes are concerned.  Our specialty is facilitating lasting changes in your daily life so that you can achieve your fitness goals in a safe manner, and maintain those changes for the long haul.  Fad diets and extreme physical training schedules may get a quick result, but those results rarely last.  When looking at long term changes, Health Coaches assist their clients in meaningful results that can last a lifetime.  We look at the big picture, how your health and fitness goals fit with your other goals in life, and what kind of ideal you aspire towards.

As a Personal Trainer AND Health Coach, I can offer you the whole package.  Together we can work on lifestyle changes that lead to lasting results, as well as provide the hands-on training to torch calories and build the body you’ve always wanted.

If you’re ready to get started, contact me today.  Your best self is waiting for you.

Peace, Love, and Burpees,



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